Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dorla - are you out there?

I met a new friend at the LPL event in San Antonio, Texas. Her name is Dorla. I sat next to her on Friday night at the Alamodome. She has such an engaging and genuine personality. When we got ready to leave on Saturday afternoon, I saw her again briefly and gave her my blog address. We didn't have time to talk very long because Sue and I had to get back to our hotel and check out. We were running late and I feel bad that I didn't get Dorla's blog address or e-mail. So, Dorla, are you out there? I'd really like to chat with you! If you read this, please leave a comment on this post or e-mail me.....would love to visit with you via the web. Hope you get this message!


Grams said...

Lucky Dorla. She has a treat coming when she finally discovers this blog.

Pat said...

I so hope that you find your friend. I know the San Antonio weekend will not be easily forgotten by anyone so we will just trust God to bring her back into your path!
You are a blessing girl so you just have yourself a blessed weekend!!
(just wanted to throw a little cowgirl back into the mix for you!)

Hiker Mama said...

It looks like you have quite a following. I could write a lot of stuff. Do you want to hear about the smoke detectors and blinds I bought and then put up before I tiled the bathroom floor in preparation of tiling the rewalls tomorrow. Really exciting stuff huh? Or possibly on of the most boring seminar known to mankind. Have you ever listened to a seismologist and a geologist go on what seemed like forever. I need some time to think....I need some me time, and that is something that will not come for a month or so.....

Hiker Mama said...

It was an earthquake seminar and I had nothing to do with it except for the chocolate chip cookies and handouts. Believe it our not it was the biggest turnout for a
Cert event and many people enjoyed it.....
See you at church tomorrow. We will try to have the CERT trailer there by 8 am....
Looks like we will be. having good weather