Saturday, June 20, 2009

Taking a blogging break....

Hey peeps (I've always wanted to say that!) I'm taking a break from blogging for a little while. I've got a lot of things coming up like VBS, that are time consuming, so I won't be posting for a few weeks. Hopefully, I'll see you soon.

In the meantime, "Via Con Dios!"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Headed to Florida

I'll be in Tarpon Springs, Florida for a few days. I can hardly wait. I'm suppose to "get up" in a few hours to head to the airport, but I couldn't sleep, so here I am.....looking forward to some R&R by the pool at my friend, Helen's, house. She is a fellow Pastor's wife who is so kind to invite me down to her place and treat me like a queen for a few days.....I'm so anxious I think I'll just stay up and re-pack my bag....or maybe I should try to get a couple hours of sleep.....nah.....sleep is overrated! In what place do most people die???? BED - that's why I try to spend as little time there as possible. (Who am I kidding....I would love to spend time there... but my almost 50 year old body doesn't like sleep so much these days!)

Anyway, I pray that all three of you who read this blog will have a very blessed week. I, for one, will be having a wonderful time down south. "See" you when I get back.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My grandson....

We took Jake to the SAR Benefit BBQ last Saturday. My friend, "Hiker-Mama" took these pics of him. (Thanks, Sue!)

Jake is just the sweetest thing. Sometimes he will say to me (out of the clear blue): "Nana, I'd like to give you a kiss and a hug." Melts my heart into a puddle on the floor! It's so hard to get onto him for something he's done bad, when he looks at me with those big eyes and LONG eye lashes! He is just so stinkin' cute!! (I am totally aware that the "cuteness factor" can and is used as manipulation - and, might I add, it sometimes works!! lol :)
When I think of how much I love him, I thank the Lord for loving us even more than that. "Father: Thank You for loving us with an everlasting love. Thank You for our children and grandchildren. I pray that they will grow into Godly men and women! In Jesus Name, Amen."

Monday, June 8, 2009

One hot blog!

My friend, Janel, (a.k.a. "Miss Wanderlust") has a great blog. She is sooooooooo creative. There is so much artistic talent in her it is almost intimidating. Her blog title is "Run With Scissors" - don't you just love that!!

If you want to check out her blog, just click:

Like I said, she is amazing. Right now she is doing a giveaway so you will want to "wander" on over to her blog and check it out! It will inspire you!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I kid you not....

My friend, "Hiker-mama," got me the most unusual, creative, thoughtful gift a person has ever given's a journal made out of Panda Poo!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding!! I'm telling you the truth. You know how much I LOVE PANDA BEARS!!! Don't even get me started!!

I'm going to type what the info card that was enclosed with the journal states. Here it is (the comments in paranthesis are mine):

"Fun, Natural Paper products made from Panda Poo Poo! Believe it or not, what you are looking at is a totally unique (you can say that again!) gift made from odorless (whew, that's a good thing) and naturally recycled panda poo poo!!! You see, the Giant Pandas come from China (at HUGE expense!) and they eat lots of bamboo so their poo poo is great material to make paper from (I'm not making this up!). We collect the poo, rinse it, clean it (that's a relief!) and mix it into a pulp (GROSS!) and make large sheets of paper which we use to craft these incredibly unique gift items ("incredibly unique" is a little bit of an understatement!) To be exact, the entire exterior of this item, including the cover and insert pages, are made from panda poo paper. (I'm getting kind of queasy just holding this paper and journal in my hands.) The smooth pages have some natural mulberry and pineapple fibers mixed in with the poop as well, which results in smoother pages for writing (that's hilarious). Pandas, as most people know (of course most people know) are endangered and there are literally only a couple thousand remaining in the wild (is THAT ALL?). Recently, there is a renewed hope (NO, you're kidding) for the long term survival of the Great Giant Panda's, with significant improvements in the rate of success of captive breeding programs (I bet!) in both the USA and of course, China (of course!).

Ya'll this just kills me....I mean I am rolling on the floor laughing...
I have to thank my friend for such a wonderful gift. If you think I'm lying about all of this, just go to their website: The Great Elephant Poo Poo Paper Company. (I guess they make things out of elephant poo, too! LOL)
If seeing is believing, you should ask me to show you this journal. Right now I have it in my office. I'm trying to decide just exactly what words would be worthy of the honor of writing on this paper.....if you have any suggestions, please do tell!!