Monday, July 28, 2008

What does it mean?

It just occured to me that some people may not know what "Serendipity Epiphanies" means, so I am copying the definitions of the two words in my blog name to give you a little insight.

Serendipity: An unsought, unintended, or unexpected discovery or occurrence, made by accident or surprise.

Epiphany (feeling): the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something.

Some people blog every day, some people blog every week, I blog when I stumble onto a "surprise revelation!" (in laymen's terms: when a light bulb goes on over my head! :)


Hiker Mama said...

Is your new picture from your anniversary dinner. You both look like newlyweds....

JayCee said...

That's from last year's anniversary dinner....we forgot to take the camera with us this time.

Thanks for the compliment!

Anonymous said...

Hey Beautiful. Thursday evening will work for me. I can do better work when I am under pressure :) P.S. I love you for always leaving comments. I love you anyway though too :) Let me know if Thursday evening works for you!

Anonymous said...

Sue's house sounds great, 7ish is perfect. You should take the challenge too :)