Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Siesta" or should I say "Fast" ?????

I'm taking a little "siesta" (no pun intended) from blogging for a while. Or, maybe I should call it a fast? After doing this study: "No Other Gods" I'm experimenting to make sure blogging hasn't become a "god" to me. I am going to "fast" from blogging for awhile and try to figure out some kind of balance where I'm not thinking about when I can get my next blog fix!!!!!!!

P.S....You may as well not leave any comments on this blog because I won't be checking them for a while. Thanks for understanding!!


Anonymous said...

Im crying :(

Hiker Mama said...

Your fast is over and no new blog.
I think you are not an addict are you would have been right back at it....

Anonymous said...

I agree. Plus, you need to sign up for my giveaway AND sign in for roll call on the LPM blog

Anonymous said...

JUST so you know missy!! I did leave it open this long so that you could enter the contest. It said Monday at first (ask SUe) and when I realized you would still be fasting, I changed it to Wednesday :) That is how much I LOVE you!

I am so glad that you are back!!!