Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Okay, so here's the challenge. Find or take the worst possible picture of yourself and post it on your blog. I didn't have any make up on - my hair is in a pony tail (it's totally confused and angry!!) and obviously I have a lot of wrinkles.....I am developing more and more wrinkles every day (if you are a Mom to teenage and post-teenage girls, you'll know why!!!). Have fun with it. If any of my close siesta's need any ammo, I have a few "non-flattering" pictures of us!! LOL :0) BTW, this exercise always helps me if I'm feeling a bit uppity or selfish. I just take a look at a few of these photos, and all pride goes out the door!!!!


Anonymous said...

Love it!! You are still gorgeous. OK bloggers, this is coming from the woman who got mistaken for a college roommate last year!!!

Hiker Mama said...

I believe that I have plenty of horrible pics of myself, thank you. When I get some time, I will reveal the true me to everyone...

JayCee said...

Oh, hiker-mama - there are no bad pics of you!!

Thanks for the compliment, miss wanderlust!