Thursday, October 1, 2009


Answer the following four questions in the comment section, so I can get to know you better. Here are my answers to the Four-by-Four questions:

Four places you go to regularly: Church, Work (which is also church), Sarah's sports games, taking Sarah places like to school (just gotta love being a taxi-driver to a 14 year old! :)

Four favorite smells: Coffee, Chocolate, Bread that is baking, Cinnamon

Four favorite foods: Coffee, Chocolate, Donuts, Freshly baked bread or rolls like Cinnamon rolls
(and in the fall I love Caramel Apples! :)

Four favorite pasttimes: Reading, Music, Bible Study, Being with family, church family & friends


Hiker Mama said...

You know all of mine, but I forgot to include coffee and the all time best hot baking bread! Nothing can get those salivary glands going like walking by a Subway around lunch time.

Leslie Lauren said...

Another great post!!!! Here are mine:

Four places you go to regularly: Church, Work (Rollins College), Publix (I feel like I live there sometimes LOL) and Corbin's Karate!

Four favorite smells: Garlic and onion sauteeing in butter (HELLO), Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo, Coconut Lime anything, and my hubby's cologne :)

Four favorite foods: Mac and Cheese (anything pasta and cheese, really), Butter Chicken with Jasmine rice from my favorite Indian Restaurant, Greek grape leaves from Hovan, and Barnie's Coffee!

Four favorite pasttimes: Reading, Going with my dad to jazz concerts, quoting The Princess Bride and Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas with my mom whenever and wherever, and swimming swimming swimming!

JayCee said...

Great job ladies....I learned things about both of you!