Monday, August 31, 2009

Giveaway by a Fellow Blogger!

Attention Fellow Bloggers -
If you would like an opportunity to perhaps win a quilt made by one of my BFF's "Miss Wanderlust" just go to her site at

She is quite the quilter queen and I thought you might like to know about her. She is an elementary art teacher extraordinare!! I was just over at one of her pupil's house and when I mentioned her art teacher she went to her room and brought out all of her wonderful art masterpieces that were created in Janel's classroom. Janel is so super creative and generous. She is going to make a quilt from the above materials (I LOVE these colors). And then she is going to draw one name as a winner. You can find out how to register for the drawing by going to her blog at

Best wishes to all my friends.....(but, I hope I win!!! :)

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