Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Let the words of my mouth....

....and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength & my redeemer." Psalm 19:14

This is the verse we are memorizing in our new Women's Bible Study at Dorsett Village Church.
The title of the study is: "Me, Myself and Lies." We need to be careful how we talk to ourselves and to others. Let's face it - our words are powerful. They can cause harm or good. They can be a blessing or a curse. Let's choose blessing - not only the words we say to others, but also the words we say to OURSELVES.
Let's use our mouths for good today. Are you with me?


Profbaugh said...

Wow! Sounds like a wonderful Bible study. I LOVE the title. And not surprisingly this topic is very timely for me. Or maybe I should just say "Ouch"--it's a little too close for comfort! (lol).

Keep posting on this and let me know how it goes.

Got the book and I am just thrilled ! Thanks so much!!!

Much love,

Hiker Mama said...

Ouch is right! I believe I was guilty the other night of some words that were not so acceptable in His sight. Thanks for the reminder...

Hiker Mama said...

Yes you are the only person that comments LOL!!