Monday, December 15, 2008

How does it sneak up every year?

DECEMBER 25 is always Christmas Day on the December calendar. It's the same every year.


All I can say is.....

I've got cards to write,

presents to buy,

presents to wrap,

(After giving into the pressure of a 14 year old, we, or should I say "she" finally got the decorations put up, just in time to take them down in a couple of weeks!)

crafts to make,

holiday events to attend,

and the list goes on and on.........

I'm so glad that if I don't get everything done, I know Jesus will still love me!


JayCee said...

Dear Nana,
I love you. I would like to see someone leave a comment on your blog, so I will. Get you some love. I would love to get you a massage chair for your birthday. But I can only afford something that's only $1.
I heart you,
Your secret admirerer Okay? If you say k, then you will find your secret admirerer. Love, K

JayCee said...

BTW - the last comment is from Jake.

Profbaugh said...

I am so with you on this one. Just how does is sneak up so fast?? Things are piling up faster than I can manage them.

On top of the normal stuff, I'm singing special music every Sunday this month with a quartet (very Point of Grace"ish"), filling in for our keyboard player on the praise team and playing a role in our Children's Christmas musical. Can you say overload???

Anyway, I'm glad to have found some other "busy" company in you!!

Much love,

Hiker Mama said...

I really cannot relate except for the decorations thing. I start obsessing a month or so in advance, but you know that. I can't handle the last minute stuff.
I would be happy to go shopping with you if you need help.....

JayCee said...

Yes, I need help! Thanks Hiker-Mama, I'm going to take you up on that. Better yet, will you just go do my shopping for me????? :)

janel. said...

Oh my goodness you are soooo cute :D is a smile :) like that but a big old cheesy one :D!!
I love you!!