Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Here's an update on how the "New Year's Revolution" is going. To date, I have been keeping on track with reading the Bible through in a year. I've ordered and received a book on praying through the world, one country at a time. I've started praying for Africa. There are a whole lot of countries in Africa....challenging! I've begun to give sacrificially.......getting ready to give some more today. I've been reaching out to people in tangible ways....yesterday we visited an elderly man who lost his wife last year. He is so lonely without her. My hubby and I went and visited him to try to bring him a little cheer. He and his wife had been married for 55 years.

As far as a mission trip for this year, I'm still praying about where the Lord would have me go.

What about you? Any New Year's resolutions that you have kept (or broken) this year?
Blogging about it seems to help with accountability.

Have a blessed week!

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