Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanks To My Sistas..... (all my girl friends!)

This post goes out to all my sista's. That's all of you. I have 3 biological sisters, but I have a WHOLE BUNCH of sistas! Each one of you is such a good friend to me. Yes, that means you! You put up with my craziness and I appreciate it. I love each of you and thank you for being my friend. I pray that you will have a REALLY GREAT WEEK. May all your "hot flashes" and problems be blow away with the cool winds of sisterhood. You are wonderful. You make my life full and "breezy".....if you know what I mean ;>)

1 comment:

Hiker Mama said...

Alright, so you were awarded Miss "Drama Queen" at the pastor's retreat. I did not know that was possible. You must have been your "crazy" self there too! We all love you for your craziness. Please don't change! You have a blessed week too!