Sunday, October 19, 2008

This pic reminds me of my oldest sister!

This picture was sent to me in an e-mail and, for some reason, it reminds me of my sister, Pam. I'm not sure why. I guess I've just been thinking about her lately. October always has a way of bringing many memories of Pam. For one reason, October is breast cancer awareness month and I always think of her. Another reason is that she passed in October. It was 6 years ago this month that she went to be with Jesus in heaven. Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday.

I miss her but I know I will see her again someday. I'm thankful to the Lord that he has given us that promise. In the meantime, I will always remember Pam as the sweet, loving, godly woman who once looked like this little girl. How grateful she was to God for His goodness to her. She was so amazed at God's grace toward her. She spoke of it often, especially near the end. Let's all remember how much God loves us and how he sacrificed His Only Son for us. One way we can show our love to God is by loving others, so make sure to tell someone today that you love them.....better yet, show them!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



Everyone join in on the fun. Don't give the answer away, just give another hint or a little known clue about this person.

I'll give you a few hints.....

she's a good friend,
she's a fellow blogger
her favorite colors are this and this and this.
if you haven't figured it out yet, I'll give you one more hint...
her initials are S.H.
Figured it out?????


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanks To My Sistas..... (all my girl friends!)

This post goes out to all my sista's. That's all of you. I have 3 biological sisters, but I have a WHOLE BUNCH of sistas! Each one of you is such a good friend to me. Yes, that means you! You put up with my craziness and I appreciate it. I love each of you and thank you for being my friend. I pray that you will have a REALLY GREAT WEEK. May all your "hot flashes" and problems be blow away with the cool winds of sisterhood. You are wonderful. You make my life full and "breezy".....if you know what I mean ;>)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bless the Lord, O My Soul!

I just can't praise the Lord enough for all he is and does. He is so good to me. Praises and blessings belong to the Lord. He is worthy. Here are some of my favorite "praise" verses in the bible. I like to use praise scriptures whenever I am feeling discouraged or overwhelmed. Here are some great ones.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth." Psalm 8:1

"Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:1-2

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6

I guess I really like the Psalms.What about you? What are some of your favorite "praise" verses? Let me know!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I found these "10 Commandments for Bloggers" through another person's blog and thought it was really enlightening. However, I think I've already broken several of these commandments! (Since I stole this blog from another blogger, I'm especially guilty of #8. Yikes!)

1 You shall not put your blog before your integrity.
2 You shall not make an idol of your blog!
3 You shall not misuse your screen name by using your anonymity to sin.
4 Remember the Sabbath day by taking one day off a week from your blog.
5 Honor your fellow-bloggers above yourselves. Do not give undue significance to their mistakes.
6 You shall not murder a fellow-bloggers honor, reputation or feelings.
7 You shall not use the web to commit or permit adultery in your mind.
8 You shall not steal another blogger's content.
9 You shall not give false testimony against your fellow-blogger.
10 You shall not covet your neighbor's blog ranking. Be content with your own content!!