Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Match Made in Heaven....

I was looking through the book shelves the other day and ran across this 1966 Primer entitled: Janet and Mark. My mother-in-law purchased a copy of this for us at an auction many years ago. I absolutely love it. It looks just like Mark and I posed for this book. When this book was written, he would have been 7 and I would have been 6. He was toe-headed when he was young, just like the boy, "Mark," in this book. I had short, brown hair, just like the girl. It's like we were the models for this book! The first page starts out something like this: "Come. Come here, Mark." That's kind of how it went down for us. I spotted him in the cafeteria in college and said: "Come, Mark, Come!" lol

Here we are......over 30 years later, and still together. I guess you can say we were just meant for each other!! :) Now all we need is a dog named "Socks."

Wonder what ever happened to Dick and Jane and Spot? Which primer did you start with when you first went to school?

Friday, August 20, 2010

First Day Back to School.....

Here's Jake (our grandson) headed off to his first day of 1st grade! Sarah is a sophomore this year. She is a star on the volleyball team and the basketball team!

It's hard to believe our youngest daughter is a sophomore! It seems like just yesterday our "baby" was coming home from the hospital. (lol) A few more years and she will be graduating - unbelievable! Even more unbelievable is the fact that our grandson started first grade this week- Wow! Maybe it will keep me young trying to keep up with these 2! God is good - all the time!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cline Family Reunion - 2010!

Every summer (for 13 years now) we have a "Cline Family Reunion" down at the Lake of the Ozarks. This year there were 32 of us. Some of our loved ones couldn't make it. (There are actually 39 of us all together.) Here are some pix from our great weekend~

Our part of the Cline Family (With Grandad and Mema - the Patriarch & Matriarch). Rachel, Jake and Jazelle weren't there.
The "Other" Clines:


The Girls:
The Boys:

Every year there is a basketball game that gets pretty competitive, but it's all in fun!

I think the ones who are the most "sweaty" won the game. lol.....look out for next year!