Sunday, January 18, 2009


Our Women's Bible study group from church went on a winter retreat this past weekend. It was great. Not only was the Bible study terrific, but the fellowship was so sweet. We have a great group of women at DVC. We are so blessed to know the Lord and to know each other. We were missing our other girlfriends who didn't get to go with us but we are already busy planning the next outing so that even more beautiful princesses can go with us.

Our Bible study teacher this time was Sheri Rose Shepherd. She has a ministry called: His Princess. You can check out her website at She has some very good videos and great Bible study books. I highly recommend her testimony. It is Holy-Spirit filled.

Isn't God good? He allows us to study His word and have fun all at the same time. I'm so glad that 24 of you women got to go. Next time I pray that there will be twice as many.

Hope to see you or hear from you in bloggy world real soon.


janel. said...

looooooved it!! WHat an awesome weekend full of fun and fellowship and getting into the WORD. Does it get any better than that? Don't think so!!!

Hiker Mama said...

Thank you for all that you did to make the weekend so much fun! You were indeed the "Queen" for the weekend....."Hotflash Queen" that is.

Hiker Mama said...

So you put a post on your blog every 10 days and you immediatly start giving me trouble. I don't have my computer with me in the morning when I have time, but I will work on it.....

Wanda said...

I missed being there :( but this is to say THANK YOU for the beautiful bag and wonderful goodies in the bag and most of all for the prayers..

I'm still working on memorizing the scriptures and 1 Thes. 5:18 applies here - Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

I'm thankful for friends and for prayer...